Deadzone Plague Swarm

Ah, the good ol’ reliable Plague Swarm. I think I’ve taken one of these in every single game of Deadzone I’ve played. They’re such a solid, dependable unit and there are very few opponents they they can’t crack open and eat up.

They’re great models too. A proper gribbly mix of rats, slugs, beetles and multi-legged and pincered ‘millepedes’. This gives a good variety of things to paint on each model, so you can squeeze in quite a few different colours.

There’s only one sculpt of a Plague Swarm, but as there are a couple of separate pieces to attach (the rearing ‘millipedes’) you can work in a little variety. I’ve assembled and painted two Swarms to date, but with a bit of variety in assembly and palette, you can make each one look pleasingly different, yet obviously part of the same force.

Deadzone_Plague_Swarm (1)

Deadzone_Plague_Swarm (9)

The top-down shot below shows both swarms with the same orientation, so you can clearly see the difference you can make by varying assembly and colour palette.

Deadzone_Plague_Swarm (8)

“Extreme close up. Whooaaa!!!” *Swarm’s World! Swarm’s World! Party time, excellent!

Deadzone_Plague_Swarm (5)

Deadzone_Plague_Swarm (6)

Deadzone_Plague_Swarm (4)

Deadzone_Plague_Swarm (3)

Thanks for reading! 🙂


Published by The Other One

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